IAS and Kashmir
Recently A Doctor from A Village Called Sogam shot to fame by topping the competitive Civil Services exam, A Service which
produces bureaucrats every year (Mostly Corrupt Ones). Almost everyone is involved in the progress of country (to the World's Most Corrupt Nations List). Kashmiris were elated that someone had topped the exam after decades. This guy had done a commendable job, topped amongst thousands....But Can We Really Be Proud Of Him?
Kashmir has produced so many of this breed (keeping aside the positions in the exam), a very long list indeed. But has something really good happened? No, Never.. It never has happened. These "Elite Officers are now and then involved in numerous scams and scandals. Some of which come to surface and fade away in our memories..Yahaan toh Sab Chalta hai..
Shouldn't we think that he may bring change into the system, as he is believed to be an "RTI activist"?. Oh c'mon in this part of the world even a "Chief" is a bird with no wings.. A Puppet Show is his Govenment..What Can a Bureaucrat do?. Here information is the biggest secret of these powerful people. The Information Commissioners are gagged and facts are manipulated, after a public outcry. RTI?? what a joke on Kashmiris? It actually means something else, another power to these bullies..It should actually be called RIGHT TO INJUSTICE.
Young blood comes into these power system promising so much (which actually are sacred lies). But when they taste the wine of power, they are turned into hungry wolves who can kill for more power,lust and money..They have so much impunity that they can be called immortals.Nobody dare touch them when they are on the chair, Not Even GOD..There religion is only lust,they seldom think of something for the people( wasn't the exam called Civil something?).
We thought maybe the picture that the "Chief" portrayed, we may witness something that never had happened in our Nation (and really it never happened). He was just a bubble of hope of the despair which exploded even before it could even do something good. Even labeled as the "Obama of Kashmir"( he can have it, as this name defines a person who can only talk..a Hypocrite, an Artist of words).
The big problem with our nation is when something gets fame, we all want our children to jump on that bandwagon. Now parents here are inducing IASISM amongst us. Why don't they want us to be like Dr Ali Jans, Farooq Kathwaris, Omar Trumboos,Fayaz Shawls, Jalees Andrabis etc or do something that KASHMIR could really be proud of??? Why are we running after something that Kashmir as a nation can never Benefit from?
We need Specialist Doctors, Innovative Engineers, Phenomenal Entrepreneurs, Excellent Economists, Inspirational Preachers, Firebrand Activists, Daring Journalists, Evocative Writers and more. To be a bureaucrat should be the last thing on a Kashmiris Mind if he really thinks that he wants his Motherland proud. Bureaucracy is for those who are bullies and want to laze their life by sitting in a chair, ask for "CHAI", and take home their Earnings (Bribes.Ooops Gifts i meant).
We need people who can stand up for what they have been born to do. BE A PROUD SON OF KASHMIR not A PARASITE who sooner or later feds on the blood of their own.